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Most frequent questions and answers

The list of benefits to going solar are extensive and not limited to the following.

  1. Energy independence
  2. Stop renting your power
  3. Avoiding rising utility costs
  4. Clean energy
  5. Adds value to your home

Being in Maharashtra, you are in a prime location for producing significant energy from a solar system! The most efficient solar homes have a large south-facing roof, either pitched or flat, and do not have shade coverage. Each home is unique, to see if your home qualifies, click this link for a free assessment. (Malak, provide a link here to direct to ‘Request a free quote’ form.)

The panels on your roof will collect DC energy from the sun, the connected inverters will then convert that energy into AC power. The AC power can then be used by the utilities in your home. If a battery is included with your system, any excess power that is not immediately used by your home will be stored in your battery. Once your battery fills up, any additional energy produced will be sent to the utility grid.

The size of your system is directly correlated with the amount of electricity your home uses. You can always underbuild or overbuild your system to anticipate future needs. Our team will ensure your system is adequately sized to meet your specific energy expectations.

Yes! Current market data has shown that owning a solar system will increase a home’s value.

Once the panels are installed, they require little to no maintenance. If dust or pollen collects on the panels, occasional rain showers are typically enough to keep the system clean and performing to standards.

Our Tier one panels are hail resistant and can withstand impact speeds up to 150 mph.

It’s up to you! You can leave the panels on the home and if the system is not completely paid off, you can easily transfer the financing to the future homeowner.  If you want to take the panels with you, you can do that too!

We install Tier one, black on black, mono-crystalline panels and a range of batteries with varying capacities and capabilities.. Assuming a battery is not installed or does not limit the inverter type, we install microinverters on most all solar installs.  Microinverters can allow for a single panel to be inoperable, without the rest of the system being affected. Conversely with string inverters, if a single panel is inoperable, it will shut down every panel in that string of the solar system. String inverters might need to be installed with certain batteries and unique solar systems.

Batteries are not required to receive the benefits of solar. Although, with a battery, your system will have the ability to power your home at night with the excess energy you have not used during the day.  Batteries are a great way to minimize the amount of energy that may need to be purchased from your utility company and are able to provide power while the utility grid is down.

More than likely, no, but they will credit your account. Our team will verify with your specific utility company on it’s solar programs and incentives before designing your system. We also recommend contacting your utility company to better understand how solar will change your utility bill.

Every solar system is customized to each home’s utility consumption and production. Depending on your current utility costs and the size of the system installed, a calculation of your savings can be provided by your Dynamic SLR Solar Consultant.

Maharashtra has a renewable energy property tax exemption, thus residents in Maharashtra don’t pay extra taxes as a result of the value that the solar system will add to the home.

Due to the inverter needing power to operate, most solar systems will not be accessible when the grid shuts off, unless the inverter is backed up.  If you decide to include a battery with a smart switch to your system, your home will utilize backup storage in the case of a power outage. Be sure to communicate your battery backup goals with your Dynamic SLR solar sales consultant.

Yes! Proven CS offers a 10-year workmanship warranty and a 25-year product warranty on the panels and inverters. Additionally, we offer a zero-deductible 30-year warranty on panels, inverters, racking and roof leaks with Solar Insure.

The federal residential solar energy credit is a tax credit that can be claimed on federal income taxes for a percentage of the cost of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system. In December 2020, Congress passed an extension of the ITC, which provides a 26% tax credit for systems installed in 2020-2022, and 22% for systems installed in 2023. (Systems installed before December 31, 2019 were eligible for a 30% tax credit.) Currently, the tax credit expires on January 1, 2024.

  1. Design your system with a Proven CS Solar Consultant
  2. Secure Payment/Lending
  3. Schedule Site Survey
  4. Finalize CAD & Engineering
  5. HOA/Permit approvals
  6. Schedule Installation
  7. Utility company inspects and grants Permission to Operate

There are no hidden fees. Our financing options are zero-down programs that are transparent and customizable. Be sure to communicate to your Proven CS Solar Consultant on your finance requirements, so a plan can be tailored to needs.

Though Proven CS is not a finance company, our preferred lenders typically require a minimum 600+ FICO score.  Additionally, our lenders will ensure the owner of the home has the same name as the utility bill and person requesting the lendering.